
Curriculum Section

The Affairs of Curriculum Section

1. To draft teaching approaches
2. To draft teaching plans
3. To draft every plan of scientific research inspection
4. To draft plans regarding academic quizzes
5. To draft rules for classroom management
6. To draft and examine the teaching schedule of every subject
7. To arrange the teaching hours
8. To draft experimental projects of every subject
9. To examine shifts, substitution, and make-up classes
10. To draft attended items of monitoring exams
11. To draft the regulations for students who miss their midterm exams 
12. To examine the schedule books of teaching
13. To examine the circuit in class
14. To inspect students’ homework
15. To circuit when students are doing individual study
16. To draft the examination plan on every subject
17. To brief and report things related to teaching
18. To draft research, advanced study and training projects for teachers
19. To assign student homework during vacations and to draft the outside reading projects
20. To hold regular and irregular examinations and tests for students
